Brad's Favorite Movie: "Almost Famous"
Heidi's Favorite Movie: "Nightmare Before Christmas"
- Our Favorite TV Shows:
- Lost
- The Simpsons
- Heroes
- Freaks & Geeks
- Kung Fu
- The Gilmore Girls
- Good Eats
- Babylon 5
- Mad Men
- The Office
- Firefly
- Chuck
- Survivor
- Spoungebob Squarepants
- The Simpsons
- Other Movies We Love:
- Monty Python And The Holy Grail
- Watchmen
- Hi Fidelity
- The Marx Brothers - A Night At The Opera
- The Producers
- Young Frankenstein
- I Wanna Hold Your Hand
- The Kids Are Alright
- Better Off Dead
- The Wedding Singer
- V For Vendetta
- 2001: A Space Oddysey
- The Lord Of The Rings trilogy
- Any film by Kevin Smith
- Watchmen